Lilypie Baby Ticker

vendredi, janvier 20, 2006 

...juste vous arrêterez-vous?

Je ne sais pas pourquoi ce pendant deux derniers jours je sens tellement le bleu. Mon ami a été impliqué les la plupart de ceci. Chaque fois que cela que nous avons rencontré, nous nous disputons toujours. J'ai le malade à ce sujet.. alone ;(

pada pergi semuaaa...
pada ikut sminar..
hiks hiks..
somebody... i'm waiting for u!!
pick me out from here...
pengen jalan2 dehhh...
ke mall aja yukkk...he =)

jeudi, janvier 19, 2006 

...forget it! forget it! just forget it!!

Se sent comme vous sont dans l'amour avec quelqu'un (ou quelque chose) mais il n'est pas. Alors vous devez essayer d'oublier, pas vous? Il est dur mais vous devriez. Personne ne peuvent aider mais vous-même!!
Feels like u're in love with someone (or something) but he isn't. Then u must try to forget, don't u? It's hard but u should. No one can help but urself!!

mercredi, janvier 18, 2006 

...grrrrrr ;(

I had my project meeting this morning. The meeting was called kick off meeting and attended by Team A (one of the international donor agencies in our country) who has the money, Team B (it's my team whose called as the steering committee), and Team C (it's the main actor in this project because they are the executing agency).

We did the meeting for more than two hours and here are the conclusion of the meeting:

  • One of the speaker from Team B (and was agreed by Team A) said that the problems that appear in the progress is caused by the lack of internal coordination in Team C. Even the words 'lack of internal coordination' should be said by outsiders to warn their unprofessional attitude. C'mon Sir..!! Don't u feel ashamed of that?!

  • The mistake (it's about the budget and its relation to the procedure and rules) that happened last year is re-happen again this year. And it's absolutely a stupid mistake. They even didn't learn from their past experience. We didn't have any progress during last year for this project because of this stupid mistake. U don't learn from ur own experience, huh?! Toloongg..!! Kesalahan itu untuk dijadikan pelajaran pak, bukan untuk diulang-ulang...

  • Oya, satu lagi yang paling menyebalkan adalah... Kalo ini perlu cerita agak panjang, soalnya about the past. Jadi yaaa, Team C yang seharusnya mengerjakan project ini sejak tahun lalu itu ga bisa banyak diharap. Mereka tuh kekurangan personil sekali untuk mengerjakan. Sebenernya banyak staf sih, tapi yang mau in charge secara aktif dan betul2 rela bekerja tuh cuma dua orang. Bayangkan, proyek dengan nada bermilyar2 gini, cuma dikerjakan dan dipikirkan oleh dua orang staf! Akibatnya banyak kerjaan ga selesai. Nah, biar project ga terbengkalai terlalu lama, kami dari Team A dan B, commit untuk membantu dua orang staf itu untuk mengerjakan. Semakin banyak tenaga, makin cepet selesai kan harusnya. Nah di meeting tadi tuh yaaa, ada beberapa orang dari Team C yang dateng dan ngomong banyak di forum, seolah2 mereka dah ikutan kerja dan pusing selama ini... Please dehhh... Gak pernah dateng, tiba2 ngomong sok tau, kayak ikut kerja aja.. Ngomongnya kira2 begini:

    • A+B: jadi bisa ga selesai tanggal 21?
    • one of C: nanti kami secara tim akan mengusahakan secepat mungkin pak...

    Blah......please deh...kayak situ pernah ikutan kerja aja.. Jelas2 kabur terus
    ;( Bapak2 tuh ga kerja, ga pernah dan ga akan, jadi ga usah ngomong deh. Paling yang kerja kami dari Team A dan B sama dua orang staf dari team bapak... &*%$#@ Pengennya apa sih? Nama? Jabatan? Uang?!
    After all of this, I have conclusion for myself either: "quick.. move out from here.. before u get heart attack in ur younger age.. u can never live with this!!"
      Wish..wish... I really wish...!!

mardi, janvier 17, 2006 

...from my boo side

After receiving the email, i forwarded it to my boo and ask which part of that is not 'him', of course except the 'u have too many shoes' point (because he says these words many times)
Here is the reply..

------paste from my inbox------

bnyk jg yg bener loh…!! Mail nya mewakili curahan hati kami, para lelaki… :)
Terutama yg: all men see in 16 colors, peach itu kan nama buah!! Bukan warna!!! :)
Trs, u have enough clothes, everything u wear is fine, something we said can be interpreted….
A headache that last 17 months….
Tp ada jg yg ga bener, ky yg if we ask what is wrong…..
Kl a' sih gak gt..

Trs mana yg d' gak setuju?

-----end of paste-----

hehehe... even my boo said that 'Mail nya mewakili curahan hati kami, para lelaki..'
Ooo... ternyataa... gitu yaaa...
Untung ada email itu, jadi kami para wanita, especially me, jadi tau...
Coba kalo ga ada email itu, a' kan ga mau dan ga bakal pernah ngomongin itu...
Ujung2nya, hanya pertengkaran & pertengkaran, misunderstand & misunderstand...

So ladies, keep it in mind, and ur relationship may be last forever... I wish!!


...from men side

Few days ago, i received a forwarded email, just like tiped below...

We always hear "the rules" from the female side. Nowhere are the rules from the male side. These are our rules: Please note... these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!!

1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! JUST SAY IT!

1. ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ are perfectly acceptable answers toalmost every question

1. Come to us with a problem only if you want helpsolving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what yourgirlfriends are for

1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in anargument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days

1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways,and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one

1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do ityourself

1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have tosay during commercials

1. Christopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we

1. ALL men see is only in 16 colours, like Windowsdefault settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a colour. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.

1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it’s just not worth the hassle

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear

1. When we have to go somewhere, ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING you wear is fine, REALLY..!!

1. You have enough clothes

1. You have too many shoes

1. I am in shape. Round is a shape.

Thank you for reading this;
Yes, I know, I have tosleep on the couch tonight, but did you know men really don't mind that, it's like camping.

So, for u, men.. which part of that is not appropriate u? Or are -all of that- really trully u?

dimanche, janvier 15, 2006 

...u have too many shoes!!!

Tahun 2006, rencananya mau dijadiin tahun untuk lebih bijaksana dalam banyak hal, termasuk juga dalam hal mengerem keinginan untuk membeli hal-hal yang nggak terlalu dibutuhkan, tapi dibeli karna nafsu semata, misalnya karna lagi sale. Soalnya berdasarkan pengalaman2 sebelumnya, d' paling ga tahan kalo liat sepatu/sandal, tas, dan baju yang ada dalam kriteria berikut, misalnya karna warnanya biru, ato ada bunganya, ato ada kupu2nya, ato ada detil2 unik lainnya. Padahal sebenernya ga butuh2 amat. Nah pengennya, taun ini harus lebih berpihak pada rasio daripada emosi. Kalo ga butuh dan dah tau bakal jarang dipake, ya ga usah beli dulu, tar aja kalo dah emang bener2 butuh.

Tapi apa daya... baru aja seminggu lewat dari tanggal 1, udah dua sepatu yang kebeli =(
Baju..? Udah dua apa tiga ya? Nggak tau deh.. lupa lagi..
Hmmm... alasan beli nya macam2...
Ada yang karna emang lagi sale, dan dibeli dengan alasan, duuhhh.. merk ini kan jarang2nya sale, mumpung sale, ya harus beli satu..
Atau.. wahhh... sepatunya lucu, ada pita nya, mumpung ketemu yang kayak gini, harus dibeli. Kan ga sering bisa ketemu sepatu kayak gini. Daripada nyesel dan kemimpi-mimpi =(

Akhirnya dengan semua alasan2 yang masuk akal itu (ladies, setuju kan alasan2 di atas masuk akal..?!) dibelilah semua barang2 itu..

Akibatnya jumlah sepatu yang ada di dus dah ga keitung lagi dan ga tau mo dipake kapan. Lemari semakin sempit karna jumlah bajunya bertambah terus, sementara baju yang dah ga bisa dipake lagi belum ada. Mana tas2 itu juga ga tau mo ditarok dimana lagi biar ga lecek.. hmmmppphhh...

Tapi susahnya, semua kesusahan2 itu lupa kalo dah nyampe mall dan ada barang2 yang lucu...
Rem terakhir yang bisa diharapkan cuma satu.. kata2 saktinya a' kalo lagi nemenin ke mall...
...u have too many shoes!!!...

dimanche, janvier 01, 2006 


happy new year 2006
wish u all the best in a year ahead

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  • I'm deylablushie
  • From Jakarta, Indonesia
  • More About Me... I think you will know once you read my posts.. Thank u for visiting my blog..
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