...from my boo side
After receiving the email, i forwarded it to my boo and ask which part of that is not 'him', of course except the 'u have too many shoes' point (because he says these words many times)
Here is the reply..
------paste from my inbox------
bnyk jg yg bener loh…!! Mail nya mewakili curahan hati kami, para lelaki… :)
Terutama yg: all men see in 16 colors, peach itu kan nama buah!! Bukan warna!!! :)
Trs, u have enough clothes, everything u wear is fine, something we said can be interpreted….
A headache that last 17 months….
Tp ada jg yg ga bener, ky yg if we ask what is wrong…..
Kl a' sih gak gt..
Trs mana yg d' gak setuju?
-----end of paste-----
hehehe... even my boo said that 'Mail nya mewakili curahan hati kami, para lelaki..'
Ooo... ternyataa... gitu yaaa...
Untung ada email itu, jadi kami para wanita, especially me, jadi tau...
Coba kalo ga ada email itu, a' kan ga mau dan ga bakal pernah ngomongin itu...
Ujung2nya, hanya pertengkaran & pertengkaran, misunderstand & misunderstand...
So ladies, keep it in mind, and ur relationship may be last forever... I wish!!