Lilypie Baby Ticker

jeudi, décembre 25, 2008 

...merry christmas

Merry Christmas for you who celebrate it..

mercredi, décembre 24, 2008 


Last Sunday night, around 10 to 11 PM, I felt a very bad stomachache while I was still working on some office stuffs. At 11PM, I felt a very terrible pain and since the works had just been completed, I closed the notebook.
It was so difficult to close my eyes and got asleep. I felt a strange kind of stomachache. It was unexplainable. I don’t think that I’ve ever felt the same before. I tried to find a comfort position to alleviate the pain, but none has worked on.
God, what’s going on in my stomach…
After applying so much ‘kwan loong’ on my stomach, I felt two things, pain and hot. But finally, I could sleep at around 11.30.

It was not longer. Around 12.15, I woke up because of the terrible pain. Since then, I couldn’t sleep. It was so strange, felt like I’ll vomit and diarrhea at the same time. I was going to the toilet but it didn’t help at all. I got back to my bed and couldn’t find the best comfort position. I felt so bad.

I called a’, said that I got stomachache, couldn’t sleep. All I can do was only crying. I felt cold and shivering. I can felt that my blood pressure was so high. I got fever.

a’ insisted me to go to hospital. He called my sister to pick me. Thought that it will be over in a few minutes later, I refused. But since it was not, I let my sister and her husband to come to my place.

Around 1.30, they came. We went to the emergency unit at the nearest hospital around Sudirman. I regretted this decision, the doctor was him who helped me on my previous visit to the same emergency unit and I didn’t feel satisfy to his diagnose and explanation.

He asked me to have blood and urine test. Meanwhile the pain was alleviated naturally. Again, they took my blood, huuuuhhhh… I hate this moment. I don’t like to see blood or needle.

Around 2.30, the result was finished. The nurse tried hardly to wake up the doctor.. huuuuhhhh… pak dokter.. pak dokter…
Finally he woke up.

He came to me and said that it was appendicitis, because my leukocyte was too high, 15.000. Moreover I felt pain when he touched my bottom-right-stomach.
I didn’t believe because he said that I need to have surgery. He asked me to do USG to ensure the appendicitis in the afternoon.
Because it was difficult to believe this, I plan to have second opinion from other doctor/hospital. I came home, my brother-in-law’s house actually at around 3am.

O ya, thanks to my sister because she helped me insisting the nurse in that hospital to give us the lab result, because I don’t want to have another blood test. It’s enough! It was difficult because the nurse said that I will not need that now since I will be back in the afternoon. Huh.. what a business minded. I paid for the test, so why I can’t bring the result!

Around 10.30am, I went to MMC by cab myself, because no one was available to accompany me and because I felt better actually. I was going to the emergency unit but the nurse said that it’s better if I went directly to the internist since I brought the lab result.

Then, I registered my self at the internist and wait for my turn. When the doctor saw my test result, she had two diagnosis, kidney and appendicitis. She then checked on my stomach and be sure that it was appendicitis. I was sent to other doctor, surgery specialist. Wait for another turn then.

Again, when he saw my blood test, he said that it was appendicitis; it can be seen on the leukocyte amount which was so far from the normal amount.

D: Ini usus buntu
d: Trus saya harus gimana dok?
D: Operasi
d: Haa.. Ga bisa pake obat2 aja dok?
D: Wah.. kalo udah begini sih ga bisaa..
d: Hmm.. trus kapan saya harus operasi dok?
D: Hari ini bisa..
d: Haaa… Ga bisa besok2 dok? Saya masih banyak kerjaan nih dok..
D: Waduh saya ga berani undur2, soalnya leukositnya udah 15ribu, kalau masih 10rb masih mending, tapi kalo dah 15ribu, besok bisa2 leukositnya 18ribu, atau usus buntunya pecah, kalo pecah, operasinya lebih berat, ga segampang sekarang..
d: Trus kapan saya harus operasi dok?
D: Tadi terakhir makan jam brapa?
d: Jam 10
D: Jam 15.30 bisa
d: Haa… 2 jam lagi dok? Saya kesini sendirian, saya harus telp2 keluarga saya dulu
D: Ooo.. silahkan, telp dari depan juga bisa..
d: Ok deh dok.. (Defenselessly)

Then the nurse took me to the cashier and ‘adm rawat inap’. There, I paid the bill and did the procedure to be hospitalized. I read, sign, and proceed all by my self. Then, she gave me the patient bracelet. I asked her, can I go home, just a while? I haven’t brought my stuffs and I will stay here overnight. She rejected my request.

So, there I went. The party was started. My sister came; the nurse took me to my room. There, I was waiting for the surgery nervously. Praying, sending sms to everyone, asking them to pray for me.. It was funny for me now since it wasn’t a very big deal, you know?! It was just a small surgery. I shouldn’t be so hyperbolic!

15.15, I entered the surgery room. Again, they took my blood and gave me an infusion. I hate that moment.

17.00, the surgery had been done, they called my name and as the anesthetic disappear so I was conscious.

I was hospitalized for 3 days 2 nights.

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  • I'm deylablushie
  • From Jakarta, Indonesia
  • More About Me... I think you will know once you read my posts.. Thank u for visiting my blog..
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