Lilypie Baby Ticker

samedi, janvier 10, 2009 

...Another article of appendicitis

The appendix is an organ that does not have an official purpose. Sure, there are theories surrounding why nature put it there in the first place, but for the most part scientists don't know. Besides, when people get the appendix removed due to appendicitis they seem to live just fine. But there is a problem... the appendicitis itself. If a person doesn't get their appendix removed in time when it is inflicted with appendicitis, they can die.

So, what exactly is appendicitis, and what are the symptoms a person can look for? Appendicitis is when the appendix becomes inflamed for no apparent reason. It can happen to anyone at any time, though it tends to strike more when an individual is between the ages of 10 and 30. As far as symptoms, the most signature one is pain in the abdomen. It should be noted that appendicitis pain is not like the type of pain you get from gas or indigestion. It is very excruciating and can debilitate a person. Laying on one's side with their knees towards their chest can ease the pain a little bit, but for the most part the only way appendicitis pain can be gotten rid of is through removal of the appendix.

What happens if a person does not go to the doctor and get the appendix removed when appendicitis initially attacks? The consequences are dire, as the appendicitis will progress to a point that it causes the appendix to burst. And although this rupture may result in immediate relief from the initial appendicitis pain, it is a condition that can be very deadly. This is because when the appendix ruptures, it releases pus and infectious organisms into the abdominal cavity. The result could be the formation of an appendiceal abscess. This is the body's way of trying to wall off the harmful contents that were released due to the advanced appendicitis. However, such protection won't last long as the abscess can also burst, resulting in peritonitis. Either way, it is important to get treated way before appendicitis gets to such a point.

If appendicitis is caught before the organ bursts, diagnosis is pretty positive, though the situation is still serious. On the other hand, treating peritonitis can be more difficult. Surgery may be needed to remove the abscess.. if a patient is well enough to undergo surgical intervention. If not doctors will prescribe antibiotics to try and get rid of any infections that may have occurred due to the burst appendix.

In conclusion, appendicitis is a very serious illness that cannot be taken lightly. If you or a loved one have any unusual abdominal pain, go to the Emergency Room as soon as possible. It is a lot easier treating appendicitis before the appendix bursts, than treating it afterwards. So, don't wait. Going to the Emergency Room at the right time could mean the difference between life or death for the appendicitis victim. Indeed, appendicitis is definitely not a disease that can be messed around with.

Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis is a serious disease that affects around 7 percent of the population. But don't think that because the number of acute appendicitis is relatively low that you can't get the disease. Anyone between the ages of 10 and 30 can get acute appendicitis. To make matters worse, the medical community doesn't fully know what causes appendicitis. Some people will get acute appendicitis because of an obstruction of food or fecal matter, others may get it in response to an infection. Either way, when acute appendicitis happens, a person must get prompt medical treatment as the condition is life-threatening.

So, why is acute appendicitis so dangerous if the appendix itself is a 'useless' organ, (at least in the minds of medical researchers)? Well, acute appendicitis is not dangerous because of the appendix malfunctioning, at least initially. Once the appendix is removed, a person can live a healthy life without it. What causes problems is if the appendix bursts due to the disease getting worse. When this happens all of the harmful contents that were contained within the appendix gets released into the abdominal area. This results in an infection which can be deadly if not treated with antibiotics.

Fortunately, as long as a person is sent to the doctor in time, acute appendicitis can be cured, though the sufferer will have to undergo surgery to get their appendix removed. This process... may result in a lot of pain, though painkillers can be given to ease the discomfort. But other than that, a person should not have to worry about any further repercussions from not having an appendix. In fact, with the appendix gone they get assurance that they will never have to worry about acute appendicitis again.

And yet, if there was a way to avoid having to suffer the condition in the first place, taking the necessary preventative measures would be a lot easier than having to go through surgery. There is just one problem with this thought process... the medical community does not know how a person can prevent getting appendicitis. Some evidence suggests that eating a healthy high-fiber diet will help flush the appendix, (along with preventing build-up of fecal matter), but such things cannot guarantee a person won't get acute appendicitis. Yet, shouldn't a person be eating in this manner anyway? True, it won't 100% prevent an acute appendicitis attack, but it could make you less prone to one. Besides eating healthy helps prevent other problems.

In conclusion, acute appendicitis is a mysterious disease surrounding a mysterious organ. But, despite the uncertainty, the medical community pretty much has things under control when it comes to treating the condition. Of course, this is only if the person is sent to the Emergency Room once the symptoms start. These symptoms include excruciating abdominal pain that won't go away, a fever and bowel problems. Granted, many people may think these symptoms are indicative of stomach bug, but if they were they would go away very quickly. With acute appendicitis the symptoms persist until the person gets the treatment they need.



…Wasiat Perkawinan

Postingan ini dikutip dari artikelnya free magazine Alhamdulillah it’s Friday edisi November 2008 dengan judul yang sama.
I posted this because of it's an interesting article and may be useful for our love life..

Wasiat Perkawinan

Berikut ini 10 nasihat perkawinan dari buku Pengantin Al-Quran, Kalung Permata Buat Anak-anakku karangan M. Quraish Shihab. Sepuluh nasihat perkawinan tersebut ditujukan untuk kelanggengan hubungan suami-istri.

Wasiat Pertama: Jadikan Pasangan Pusat Perhatian
Semua kegiatan hendaknya mengarah pada membahagiakan pasangan dunia dan akhirat. Kalau di alam raya ini ada matahari yang menjadi pusat, yang di dalam orbitnya beredar planet-planet tatasurya, maka matahari hidup dalam rumahtangga adalah pasangan masing-masing.

Wasiat Kedua: Wujudkan Kepribadian Sebagai Lelaki/Perempuan
Kejantanan punya ciri-ciri yang harus terpenuhi pada diri seorang lelaki, termasuk juga kemampuan berhubungan dan merasakan kehadiran seorang perempuan, menghormati, mencintai dan mengawininya, memelihara, membela dan memenuhi kebutuhannya, serta bertanggungjawab terhadap anak-anak, antara lain dengan mendidiknya secara baik. Kewanitaan juga punya ciri-ciri antara lain merasakan kehadiran lelaki serta mencintai hanya seorang suami, ketulusan dan kepatuhan serta mampu membuat suami merasakan kejantanannya.

Wasiat Ketiga: Jangan Menabur Benih Keraguan
Tak ada hubungan antarmanusia yang sehat bila tidak disertai dengan kepercayaan timbal balik. Lebih-lebih hubungan antara suami-istri. Tiap benih keraguan dapat meruntuhkan satu bata bangunan cinta. Jangan beranggapan satu bangunan yang kokoh hanya dapat runtuh oleh gempa. Ia pun bisa runtuh, jika bata demi bata dicabut, karena akan menimbulkan ketidakseimbangan.

Wasiat Keempat: Pembagian Tanggungjawab
Dalam pandangan Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah Nabi Saw, pada prinsipnya suami bertanggungjawab untuk memenuhi kebutuhan istri dan anak-anaknya, sedangkan istri bertanggungjawab menyangkut urusan rumahtangga. Namun pembagian kerja di atas jangan diterapkan secara ketat. Bantulah pasangan dalam batas kemampuan dan berjuanglah bersama agar suami dan istri merasakan mesranya kebersamaan.

Wasiat Kelima: Lakukan Dialog
Bukan hanya orang bijak yang berpesan agar suami istri selalu melakukan dialog, Tuhan pun dalam Al-Qur’an [QS 2: 233] memerintahkan agar mereka bermusyawarah. Ingatlah bahwa perkawinan didasari oleh cinta, dan tiada cinta tanpa perhatian dan penghormatan kepada pasangan, sehingga hindarkan sikap melecehkan dalam berdialog.

Wasiat Keenam: Siapkanlah Diri Melakukan Aneka Peranan
Dalam perkawinan terlihat bahwa pasangan terdiri dari seorang lelaki yang berfungsi sebagai suami dan seorang perempuan yang berfungsi sebagai istri. Tetapi seringkali yang dituntut dari sang lelaki itu melebihi peranan suami, begitu pula sebaiknya pada sang istri. Misalnya sang istri terkadang harus berperan sebagai “ibu” yang memanjakan suaminya, atau suami yang berperan sebagai “pacar” yang memberikan kehangatan cinta pada sang istri.

Wasiat Ketujuh: Tampakkan Cinta dan Kebanggaan
Bisa saja suami maupun istri dikagumi orang lain, tetapi tetap saja masing-masing harus menempatkan kekaguman dan pujian suami/istri di atas pujaan semua orang selainnya. Artinya kekaguman suami/istri terhadap pasangannya harus jelas terlihat dan melebihi kekaguman orang lain. Selain itu hendaknya pujian orang lain tak menimbulkan kecemburuan pasangan.

Wasiat Kedelapan: Keseimbangan Ekonomi
Pasangan suami-istri harus punya pandangan yang sama dalam ekonomi. Jika istri terbiasa hidup mewah, lalu menikah dengan yang ekonominya pas-pasan, harus dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan kondisi baru yang dialaminya. Di sisi lain, betapapun penghasilan suami atau istri melebihi pasangannya, tak berarti ia dapat mendikte pasangannya tersebut sesuai kehendaknya. Kehidupan rumahtangga adalah kerja sama suami istri memikul tanggungjawab yang didasari oleh penghormatan, cinta kasih, kesediaan untuk menerima dan memberi.

Wasiat Kesembilan: Perhatian pada Keluarga Besar
Kita semua memiliki hak dan kewajiban. Tidaklah wajar siapa pun di antara kita mengurangi hak dan kewajiban itu. Adalah kewajiban suami-istri untuk memerhatikan ibu bapak dan sanak keluarga dalam batas-batas yang dituntut oleh agama. Dalam melakukan hal itu, usahakan agar istri memberi perhatian kepada keluarga suami, demikian pula sebaliknya, sehingga tak terkesan adanya upaya “sembunyi-sembunyi” dalam mengalirkan perhatian atau pemberian.

Wasiat Kesepuluh: Privasi dan Hubungan dengan Pihak Lain
Setelah menikah, lelaki dan perempuan tidaklah hidup sendiri lagi. Mereka telah hidup bersama. Mereka berdua menyatu dalam satu pihak, sedangkan orang lain–siapapun dia–berada pada pihak yang lain. Semua yang diketahui oleh salah seorang pasangan, sebaiknya diketahui oleh pasangannya. Tetapi tidak semua yang diketahui dan dialami oleh kedua pasangan harus diketahui oleh orang lain, walaupun orang terdekat sekalipun.


…Pernikahan, Melengkapi dan Melindungi

Postingan ini dikutip dari artikelnya free magazine Alhamdulillah it’s Friday edisi November 2008 dengan judul yang sama.
I'm so touched by the true story below..
What a true love they have!!

Keluarga sakînah, mawaddah dan rahmah, bukanlah keluarga yang tanpa gejolak. Penyatuan dua jiwa dengan sifatnya masing-masing mustahil tanpa ada benturan dan kesalahpahaman. Begitu pun juga, dari berbagai peristiwa yang mengiringi perjalanan waktu keduanya [suami dan istri] ada perkara yang menimbulkan sikap yang berbeda. Tak jarang pula perbedaan itu berakhir dengan percekcokan dan perselisihan.

Pasangan yang berharap menjadi keluarga sakînah, mawaddah dan rahmah, justru menjadikan semua gejolak itu sebagai bumbu penyedap keharmonisan hubungannya. Seperti garam yang asin itu menjadi bumbu penyedap masakan sehingga menjadi lezat. Kekurangan-kekurangan dari pasangan yang diketahui setelah sekian lama bersama tidak menimbulkan kekecewaan.

Masing-masing menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa ia terlahir memang untuk menutu
pi kekurangan dan menjadi pelindung kelemahan pasangannya. Allah swt memberi perumpamaan, suami atau istri menjadi penutup dan pelindung pasangannya seperti sebuah pakaian. Kalam-Nya: “Mereka [istri-istri] itu adalah pakaian bagi kamu [wahai para suami], dan kamu pun [para suami] adalah pakaian bagi mereka [para istri kamu]” [QS 2: 187].

Di bawah ini ada dua kisah nyata yang menceritakan bagaimana hubungan suami-istri bisa saling melengkapi dan melindungi sehingga tergambar hubungan yang dilandasi dengan cinta sejati.

Keajaiban Cinta
Seperti setiap laki-laki yang akan menikah, Eko Priyo Pratomo berharap istrinya nanti bisa menjadi istri dan ibu yang baik dan shalehah sekaligus menjadi sahabat yang bisa saling mendukung hingga akhir hayat.

Harapan itu tidaklah berlebihan, Dian Syarif, istrinya adalah perempuan yang sangat aktif, energik, dan memunyai kondisi fisik yang prima dengan pemikiran yang cerdas. Karena kemampuannya itu ia dipercaya menjabat sebagai Corporate Communication Manager di salah satu bank swasta nasional.

Namun tiba-tiba, Dian terserang penyakit yang menurut dokter tak bisa disembuhkan. Seumur hidupnya, ia harus bergantung pada obat-obatan. Dian divonis terkena penyakit lupus. Penyakit bernama lengkap Systemic Lupus Erythematosus [SLE] yang dialami Dian menyerang darah. Karena itu ia diberi obat-obatan untuk meningkatkan trombositnya.

Terapi obat yang Dian jalani memiliki efek yang cukup berat. Selain membuat wajahnya membengkak, obatobatan tersebut mengakibatkan rusaknya saraf mata. Sekarang kemampuan penglihatan Dian hanya lima persen saja. Ia hanya bisa melihat siluet tanpa bisa mencermati detai-detail benda di depannya.

Kondisi fisik Dian melemah karena penyakit ini juga menyerang organ-organ tubuh yang lain. Kandungan Dian pun harus diangkat karena mengalami pendarahan terus-menerus. Hilanglah kesempatan Dian mengandung anak.

Melihat kondisi istrinya itu, Eko sangat takut sekali. Terlintas dalam pikiran Eko, Dian akan meninggalkannya. Karena itu Eko berjuang melawan perasaannya itu dan harus tetap memberi semangat hidup pada istrinya sambil terus berusaha mencari cara mengurangi penderitaannya. Tak sedikit pun terlintas dalam pikiran Eko untuk berpaling dari Dian. Padahal, karena merasa hidupnya sangat merepotkan, Dian sempat meminta Eko untuk menikahi wanita lain. Tetapi Eko menolak, ia sangat mencintai Dian dan menurutnya cinta adalah kebahagiaan ketika bisa memberi dan berkorban tanpa merasa terbebani.

Ia menambahkan, “Saya juga sedang belajar mencintai sebagai ungkapan terimakasih dan syukur kita kepada Allah swt yang begitu mencintai dan menyayangi kita.” Tak cuma itu, bagi Eko, sekarang Dian bukan hanya menjadi pendamping hidup, tetapi juga sebagai ladang amal baginya dan orang lain.

Pernikahan bagi Eko tidak sekedar memenuhi hasrat manusia sebagai mahkluk biologis dan sosial yang membutuhkan pendamping dalam hidup di dunia. Namun yang jauh lebih penting, pernikahan harus menjadi bagian dari ibadah dan bertujuan untuk mencapai kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat.

Perhatian, cinta dan kasih sayang Eko beserta seluruh keluarga menjadi pendorong Dian untuk bisa bertahan. Semua itu menjadikannya tetap bersemangat dan berkeinginan kuat untuk tetap hidup. Di saat itulah Dian merasakan keajaiban cinta. Meski dengan segala keterbatasannya, Dian tetap bisa menerapkan kemampuannya berkomunikasi, tetapi yang dikomunikasikannya berbeda. Melalui Syamsi Dhuha Foundation [SDF], yayasan yang didirikan bersama EKO, Dian berbagi dengan sesama penderita lupus [odapus] dan sahabat low vision [lovi].

vendredi, janvier 02, 2009 

…Appendicitis (symptoms and cause)

What are the symptoms of appendicitis?
Here is the article which I’ve got from the wikipedia.

Appendicitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the appendix. All cases require removal of the inflamed appendix, either by laparotomy or laparoscopy. Untreated, mortality is high, mainly because of peritonitis and shock.[1] Reginald Fitz first described acute and chronic appendicitis in 1886,[2] and it has been recognized as one of the most common causes of severe acute abdominal pain worldwide.


Location of the appendix in the digestive system
On the basis of experimental evidence, acute appendicitis seems to be the end result of a primary obstruction of the appendix lumen.[3][4] Once this obstruction occurs the appendix subsequently becomes filled with mucus and swells, increasing pressures within the lumen and the walls of the appendix, resulting in thrombosis and occlusion of the small vessels, and stasis of lymphatic flow. Rarely, spontaneous recovery can occur at this point. As the former progresses, the appendix becomes ischemic and then necrotic. As bacteria begin to leak out through the dying walls, pus forms within and around the appendix (suppuration). The end result of this cascade is appendiceal rupture causing peritonitis, which may lead to septicemia and eventually death.
Among the causative agents, such as foreign bodies,
trauma, intestinal worms, and lymphadenitis, the occurrence of an obstructing fecalith has attracted attention. The prevalence of fecaliths in patients with appendicitis is significantly higher in developed than in developing countries[5], and an appendiceal fecalith is commonly associated with complicated appendicitis[6]. Also, fecal stasis and arrest may play a role, as demonstrated by a significantly lower number of bowel movements per week in patients with acute appendicitis compared with healthy controls[7]. The occurrence of a fecalith in the appendix seems to be attributed to a right sided fecal retention reservoir in the colon and a prolonged transit time[8]. From epidemiological data it has been stated that diverticular disease and adenomatous polyps were unknown and colon cancer exceedingly rare in communities exempt for appendicitis[9][10]. Also, acute appendicitis has been shown to occur antecedent to cancer in the colon and rectum[11]. Several studies offer evidence that a low fiber intake is involved in the pathogenesis of appendicitis[12] [13][14]. This is in accordance with the occurrence of a right sided fecal reservoir and the fact that dietary fiber reduces transit time[15].


Symptoms of acute appendicitis can be classified into two types, typical and atypical.[16] The typical history includes pain starting centrally (periumbilical) before localizing to the right iliac fossa (the lower right side of the abdomen); this is due to the poor localizing (spatial) property of visceral nerves from the mid-gut, followed by the involvement of somatic nerves (parietal peritoneum) as the inflammation progresses. The pain is usually associated with loss of appetite and fever, although the latter isn't a necessary symptom. Nausea or vomiting may occur, and also the feeling of drowsiness and the feeling of general bad health. With the typical type, diagnosis is easier to make, surgery occurs earlier and findings are often less severe.[16]
Atypical symptoms may include pain beginning and staying in the right iliac fossa, diarrhea and a more prolonged, smoldering course. If an inflamed appendix lies in contact with the bladder, there is frequency of urination. With post-ileal appendix, marked retching may occur. Tenesmus or "downward urge" (the feeling that a bowel movement will relieve discomfort) is also experienced in some cases.[17]
Unlike acute appendicitis, chronic appendicitis symptoms can vary from patient to patient. So much so that "There are no typical findings or routine diagnostic modalities to diagnose chronic relapsing appendicitis. It is a diagnosis of exclusion..."[18]


Although there are some symptoms, but according to my doctor, it could be vary from one person to another. Some people could feel several symptoms while the others could feel only one of them. This was the reason why I didn’t believe the first doctor who told me that it was appendicitis, because I thought that the symptoms of appendicitis is not only the undefined stomachache as I got that night. It should be more than that. But I was wrong. It could be only that.
But after all of this, I think I can conclude one thing, the most trusted symptoms of appendicitis actually is when you push your right-bottom stomach and you feel pain, it should be appendicitis.

Now, we’ll talk about the cause of appendicitis. Most people believe that the cause is because you eat too much food contains of seed. That’s not totally correct. According to my doctor, the cause is 80% of constipation and 20% of seed. So you must be careful of those problems, because I don’t think that I have both of them, while I always try to keep eating vegetables during meal. But, in fact, that was not enough. There was something going wrong in my stomach and unfortunately, I didn’t realize that.

So, just be careful and keep your body healthy.

jeudi, janvier 01, 2009 

…my wish list

Happy New Year 2009 all!!

What is your wish list for this upcoming year?
Here are mine:
1. complete the house loan process asap
2. go home on time after work (it must be very difficult)
3. decide the field of study and obtain scholarship for the graduate diploma
4. read 10 additional books (other than work or school related)
5. resign from current work
6. it should be getting married but seem hard to accomplish this year
7. cari pacar lagiiii… as sang by ST12
8. ..
9. still in mind…

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  • From Jakarta, Indonesia
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