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vendredi, mars 26, 2010 

...Finally.. new post!

Finally, I can post again in this blog. I will start with what I am doing currently then I would like to share about what has happened during my blogging-break.

So here it is.
For the past (I think around) 1.5 years, I was too busy with the office stuffs even to have a special me time. Even lately -since I got two projects to be handled- I came home late, around 8pm to 11pm, and then I still need to do homework till early morning or wake up early morning to do the homework. These happened again and again, day by day. This was unavoidable because my work required me to do so many meetings during the day, with the client, the team, my boss. The result of the meetings means something to be worked on which usually were paperwork.

Another thing is since I got married, we faced a long distance marriage since I worked in Jakarta and he worked in somewhere in the jungle of North Sumatra. Because of the location of his place, the signal for mobile phone is so bad. It has caused us frustrated when in our tired condition we need to maintain our communication but the signal is so bad which in turn drive me mad.

So it led us to rethink this solution, for me to move to his place, meaning I need to leave my work.
Talked to the bosses but after such discussions, I take an unpaid leave so when we move back to Jakarta, I’ll work there again.

Now, here I am. In a small town –can I say it town or should it be titled a village?- named Aek Kanopan. This place is about 220 km from Medan, about 5 hours driving if the traffic is not too crowded. You can’t expect faster since the road is quite narrow and with chuckholes. With palm or rubber plant beside the road and no light available, you need to drive carefully to avoid the chuckholes. Last week, we saw a truck bringing oil palms tumbled on the road. Maybe because of the chuckhole.

What I’m doing here? So many things. I listed down the things that I want to be accomplished during this leave, the main purpose is to re-manage my life, fulfilling the need of my heart, mind, body and soul. Referring to Stephen Covey’s term, I am now sharping my sow. So I have so many reading materials accompanying me, be it for the general knowledge or for my spiritual enlargement, I also bring all of the tools to accommodate my hobbies which I can’t do lately, I can do physical exercise in the morning after the husband went to the office to keep me fit, I can do experiments in cooking, etc etc.

Beside of that, I also run the housewife job, which when I’m doing it, I realized that this is indeed a job. You need to manage your work matching with your time, everything should be done daily so you don’t have any outstanding on the day after. Otherwise, you will be stressed out. So this is indeed a job!

O ya, speaking of cooking, this is the beauty of this small town. The husband will get back home during the lunch time so we will always have lunch and dinner together, hence I always cook twice a day, noon and evening. But actually I enjoy this.

So all and all, I think that this is the real freedom for me. I can manage my time, my schedule, my targets, etc.
However, this will not last forever, just a temporary situation, thus I need to catch up with all of the targets.

Anyone want to join me?

c'est moi

  • I'm deylablushie
  • From Jakarta, Indonesia
  • More About Me... I think you will know once you read my posts.. Thank u for visiting my blog..
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