...getting older
Today is my birthday..
As usual, I wish..
If I could ask God to freeze the time so the number will not become higher this year..
Huks huks.. become more than a quarter is not a comfort moment, I just realize that.
I know that I should thanks God as I’m still breathing up to now.
Otherwise, I feel so upset to know and to find myself still works as usual without having huge achievement. It’s pathetic. I supposed to be better than now..
However, I would like to thanks so many people as listed below:
1. a' call
2. asien call
3. tol sms
4. ian sms
5. pa, ma, gina call
6. om med call
7. gitta sms
8. meryn email and meet
9. reza meet
10. angga meet
11. yusuf meet
12. indah meet
13. morina meet
14. mutia sms
15. erwin call
16. ade call
17. chr call
18. leo email
19. ayu sms
20. randu meet
21. rachma (and meet), meryn, anti email
22. mama uci email
23. mas widhi sms
24. made ardi, tri, heri call conference
25. kak beth sms
26. gembit meet
27. bertha call
deuh...pake bahasa prancis, bikin bingung ni mau ngasi comment... :(
Posted by
Leo-Ade-Effan |
mardi, décembre 09, 2008 12:42:00 PM