...cerita valentine
Valentine pada kemana?
We were not going anywhere.. cuma janjian ketemu ama a' di kantornya a', jam pulang kantor. trus abis itu pulang deh. Tapi sebelumnya ada tuker2an coklat dulu..
Surprisingly, tanpa direncanakan loh..
The story is...
Semingguan d' lagi sibuk2nya di kantor. Kalo jalan2 ke mall pun paling cuma week end dan itu pasti bareng a'. Jadi d' ga mungkin beli coklat ato gift apapun diem2. Akhirnya the day was coming, and still i didn't have anything to give.
Pagi2, waktu nyari sarapan di koperasi kantor, liat silver queen. Twing twing.. ide! Beli coklat disini aja, yang penting ada dan bikin a' kaget.
Nyari2, taunya cuma ada silver queen yg tadi itu, ya udahlah, beli aja, daripada ga ada dan ga sempet..
But u may not believe it!! The only chocolate that been sold there is only the poor mini tiny that silver queen.. Bahkan yang gede aja ga ada.. ato tobleron kek minimal. But no other left!!
Pas ketemu, tiba2 a' bawa bungkusan.
'Apa tuh?'
'Buat kamu..' (sambil senyum2..while d' mulai panik)
'Apa emang?'
'Ada deh, cari tempat duduk dulu, tar dibuka yaa..'
Nyampe kantin.. Guess what?!
The present is a beautiful chocolate in love-shape, in a love-shape box (can we still called it 'box'?), with a few of pink roses in the top of it..
And one more, there was a beautiful card, also with a few beautiful pink roses above..
'Aku inget looo.. beliin kamu hadiah..'
'.....' -tercekat..ga bisa ngomong-
O my God.. I was happy.. tapi apa kabar silver queen kecilku?
hiks hiks hiks...
Tapi akhirnya d' keluarin juga...
Dengan menahan segenap malu dan rendah diri..
Bayangkan, bagaikan bumi dan langit..
Sungguh sangat tidak sepadan sekali!!
'Aku juga inget kok... ini buat kamu.. tapi aku cuma bisa nemu ini di koperasi tadi pagi.. soalnya aku ga sempet ke mall..'
'Waaahhhhh...seneng bangetttt... dikasi coklattt..'
He mean it.. he was trully happy.. bukan nyindir..
Whoaaaa... he is absolutely the best creature ever-made..
Dia bener2 seneng...
Tapi... gimana d' ga tambah minder..hiks hiks...
I do love u more and more and more honey..
Akhirnya sampe skarang, coklatnya masih belum brani d' makan..
sayang bo'...
nunggu sebulan lagi kali yaaa.. mpe bosen liatnya...
Excellent, love it! » » »
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Anonyme |
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Anonyme |
mercredi, avril 25, 2007 11:37:00 AM