...merci beaucoup
Wanna say thank u for all who remember my birthday:
- a’ for the 00:00 sms… tepat waktu! And for the 00:15 call
- pa for the 00:01 sms and 00:03 call, also ma & gina
- ade for the very early morning call
- ma for the morning sms
- taufan for the sms and wise wishes
- hendi for the sms and call… everythin’ gonna be allright kok hen… jangan patah semangat duluuu… jia you!!
- dian for the sms and invitation
- ayu for the sms… sorry I can’t come, but I was here for good.. and I’m so happy... hope u were too…
- om eddie for the sms and miscall =) sorry it took too long to catch u back..
- kak beth for the sms… send my regards to others please…
- roudo & avan for the call
- noudi for the call
- mbak lily, mbak yani, mbak eva, tante kost, ningsih…
- tante & gita
- will for pre-birthday sms… slamat menempuh hidup baru.. maaf ga bisa dateng… I have something here.. I know u’ll understand…
- and others… did I miss someone? Remind me..!!
And also for all who remember my belated birthday:
- gitta for the sms… didoain kok git.. smoga setelah tunangan, semuanya berjalan dengan sangat lancar.. aminnn…
- petty
- desy for the sms… ke bali ga bilang2!
- titin for the email… kapan jalan2nya… walopun terkurung di kampung sunter, tapi klo ada kesempatan membebaskan diri, dimanfaatin dong.. please come to the downtown, u are always welcome, hehehe…
- mas widhi for the sms
- mbak ratna
- riwul for the sms… waahhh.. tampaknya re-akrab lagi nih skarang =)
- have I mentioned all?
Pokoknya… makasi buat semuanya.. I had a very wonderful beautiful birthday this year.. thanks all…